Why Marketing Cost Money

June 3, 2022

Marketing is fundamental to any business. It’s at the core of how you attract customers and make money. A strategic and successful marketing investment leads to a better, more profitable business & positive ROI. And just like anything else in business and life…marketing takes time and effort from skilled people!

Now, let’s get into the details of why it cost money and common questions we get asked about “marketing”.

What is Marketing?

First things first, the term, marketing, is widely generic these days. From a phrase that was pretty much used to describe only packaging and branding, is now one that describes a variety of activities a company does to sell a product or service. Advertising, social media, POS, packaging, website design and the list goes on… are all types of marketing services.

Maybe it’s because we are in the business, but we have conversations every week (if not every day!) changing perspectives on what marketing truly is. To some, “marketing” is any piece of creative work that one can just “whip up” ASAP. Ever wanted something done in 24 hours or on a “tight timeline”? Well, to tell you the truth, just about everyone does.

Good Marketing Takes Time (& Money)

Good marketing takes time and cost money simply because skilled people need to put forth a specific effort to execute said marketing deliverable. Need a strong new e-commerce website? It’s going to take a developer, design team, copyrighter and SEO expert 10-weeks to build something custom with every detail you want and need. That’s 5+ people working on every detail of a project for over 2 months. Instead of thinking of marketing, or in this case, an e-commerce website as a huge expense, think of it as an investment.

If your marketing dollars are spent strategically on the right people and the right platforms, your business has the opportunity to make even more money. It simply drives revenue for just about every single successful business. Because without it, how would your customer interact with you?


The proof is in the pudding. Take some of our clients positive ROI as an example:

  • “My business had a 52% increase in sales within the first 18 months of business rebrand.
  • “I received 20% more bookings than previously after launching new website.”
  • “I landed meetings with key investors and potential business partners which led to an investment.”
  • “We sold out of new flavors at retail stores post re-brand with immediate requests to fulfill more.”
  • “Within the last 60 days of starting a TikTok account we saw 365k video views and 10.5k+ likes.”

The common thread between all of these? They ended up making more money due to their original and ongoing investment.

Looking for a team that can help you market your product or service? Let’s chat about how we can bring your “good for you” impact-driven brand to the public eye in ways that won’t break the bank.