Conscious Branding: What is it? Why Should You Care?

June 15, 2022

Written By: Riley Fouts

While many companies and brands used to be focused solely on making money and taking a more neutral stance on societal issues, today it seems we as consumers are more receptive to something different; we yearn to find brands that are committed to building relationships with us and bettering society in some way. 

This is the basis of conscious branding: acknowledging that a brand’s actions have deep impacts. Working to either enhance or refine those impacts to create a favorable outcome for most, if not all, involved. There is not one single quality about a conscious brand that classifies it as such. Some of the most essential features of a conscious brand are outlined below.

5 Brand Classifications of Conscious Branding

A higher purpose.

First, conscious brands are those that are motivated by something other than making a profit. A higher purpose means thinking outside the business and determining how to improve the livelihoods of those around it.


It’s imperative that conscious brands are honest regarding their sustainability plan to improve society and who they intend to impact. No greenwashing here! They should stick to their beliefs and then relay this to others. This means consistency across all platforms, whether it be in-store or in-person, through a website, or on social media. 

Internal and external cohesion.

Uniformity between internal intentions and outward presentation is a must. It all starts with confirming that all members of the organization share common beliefs surrounding its higher purpose and goals. This healthy relationship will be reflected onto current followers while also attracting new ones that share the same enthusiasm.


Because there’s power in numbers! Partnering with brands that share similar passions increases brand’s prospective supporter base, along with the awareness and achieving its higher purpose.

Showing (not just telling). 

Conscious brands should make their strategies actionable so stakeholders can physically see the impact of their time, money, and/or resources. We tend to be more likely to take personal action if we see tangible results. This could be revealing donation amounts, sharing statistics, or publishing positive reviews. 

Conscious Branding is Here to Stay

Although conscious branding has gained popularity on its own over the past few years, Covid-19 has heightened its significance, exposing global injustices like discrimination, voting rights, working conditions, and even environmental impacts. These issues give brands an opportunity to speak up and support organizations that work to improve certain livelihoods. 

Everyone was (and probably still is, sadly) impacted by the pandemic in one way or the other, even if not directly related to the above issues. Many of the brands you currently engage with are probably adopting a more conscious view (if they haven’t already), revolving around the betterment of lives, our lives. It seems the concept of conscious branding is here to stay awhile, so why not seek out brands that align with your views, interests and passions?
