Sustainable Luxury: What it Means for Brands + Consumers

May 22, 2021

Sustainable luxury is when a luxury brand incorporates sustainable practices in the fabric of their business without sacrificing style or quality.

We believe that every human being and business has an ethical and moral responsibility to protect, restore and save our planet.

While luxury brands may be unwilling to sacrifice style and quality, there is always room for improvement.

What this means for brands:

Luxury brands are facing social pressures from conscious consumers and the current climate (no pun intended) of climate change. There is inherently a greater risk for any brand who fails to act both transparently and responsibly.

On a positive note, there is always room for change and growth. A mission-led brand should never feel like they have to sacrifice a luxurious look or feel to make an impact. Think quality over quantity. An impact-driven brand should be able to tell the story of why their quality product or service is worth the investment over a multitude of purchases from a competitor’s not-so-eco-friendly brand.

Today, defined luxury brands have the opportunity to reposition themselves and change business practices to educate consumers on how to be more conscious and eco-friendly. Multi-millionaire brands reach billions of consumers a year and have the power and influence to make a difference by committing to a stronger relationship with Mother Nature. 

All in all, humans cannot survive without our oceans and land. Brands are either protecting and restoring them both or slowly but surely adding fuel to the fire.

What is means for consumers:

Today, consumers vote with their dollar. They’re more aware of how buying behaviors affect our health, our planet & our future. 

Reality check! If you are into mainstream luxurious brands and are still not paying attention to where your purchases are actually coming from, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon.

The social and environmental impacts of any product starts at the source and production of that specific good.

Next time you are online shopping, ask yourself:

  1. Where are the products being sourced?
  2. Whose hands are touching and crafting those products?
  3. Is a brand providing work and money for an underprivileged community?
  4. Or is a business just taking advantage of third world sweatshops?
  5. You may think it looks good on you – but how “good” is the product?

As you can see, conscious consumerism is shaping the way businesses survive and continue to find success. We encourage you to use your influence as a consumer to question the brands you love so they can make the conscious shift to sustainable success.

If you are a brand who wants to find sustainable success in your marketing practices, maintain style and quality, all while minimizing your carbon footprint, you’ve come to the right place. Please inquire here and let’s make an impact together. The world needs brands like yours.