5 Brands Currently Crushing It on Threads

July 21, 2023

Written by: Riley Fouts

By now I’m sure we’ve all heard of the new Instagram / Twitter mashup app known as Threads. With the same algorithm as Instagram but similar content to Twitter, Threads invites users to craft informal captions on topics about… anything (truly anything). When you create an account, the Threads app also transfers all followers over from Instagram, already giving users a follower base to grow from. By cleverly placing posts at the top of your feed based on how engaging the content is (instead of how recent it was posted), users’ social media content intake is specifically tailored to their likings. 

Aside from the excitement and eagerness of joining a new platform, many individuals and brands alike have been drawn to Threads due to its less intense atmosphere (compared to apps like Twitter) and lack of excess visuals throughout your feed (experienced on other photo sharing apps like Instagram). After spending too much time on the platform the other night, we felt inspired to share five ~random~ brands that are currently killing it on Threads – based on our own qualifications of success like amount of followers, frequency of posts, level of engagement, and amount of likes / replies to posts.

1. Spotify

Starting off strong with Spotify at 1.2M followers, it is one of the brands with a more substantial following on the new platform. Their hefty fan base is not just because the company was already well-established, but also because their Threads strategy focuses on engagement with followers and new music releases – approaches that inspire action beyond simply reading the thread itself. Some of their most engaging posts involve asking Threads users what they are currently listening to and showcasing the Barbie Official Playlist (we are dying to see the new Barbie movie btw).

2. Nugget

Next on our list at 778k followers is Nugget, an account specializing in humor, memes, and news daily (according to their Instagram – because honestly, we weren’t exactly sure what their brand was all about from looking solely at Threads). Their Threads strategy involves posting relatable confessions, controversial opinions, and low-key scandalous comments intended to bring a smile to your face and/or ease your guilt that you are not alone. 

3. We The Urban

On a more serious note, at 605k followers, We The Urban is known for sharing positive and uplifting quotes + pieces of advice to help users whether they need a little self-esteem boost or are experiencing more intense grief. Imagine scrolling through mindless posts and trending news on Threads only to stumble upon an encouraging or realistic quote like “You can be a work in progress and still love yourself.” How could that not make you stop and think for a moment or bring some brightness to your day? We think their Threads success stems from this.

4. Wendy’s

Yup. You read that right. Wendy’s, at 267k followers, is our next pick, climbing to the top of the Threads success ladder through forward humor and their willingness to “mock” / tease other quick-service restaurants. One of the most viral threads we’ve seen so far on the platform (at a whopping 65k+ likes!) was posted by Wendy’s: “hey @zuck, you should go to space just to really make him mad lol” – alluding to the ongoing feud between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk.

5. American Eagle

To finish off the list is American Eagle, the clothing and accessories retailer with 160k followers. While the brand itself does not offer sustainable fashion pieces, they have sustained a relatively prominent status on Threads. Their threads mainly consist of memes relating to the fashion + corporate realm and somewhat witty revelations on trending topics – posts users tend to gravitate towards. 

And if you’re wondering, no, Isla Luna Studio does not yet have a Threads account. However, if we were to jump on the bandwagon and download the app, our threads would probably consist of fun and relatable design realizations / tips for all our marketing girlies. It would be a super authentic, real, and non-monetizing page – similar to our Instagram, which is the social platform we are most active on and where you can find us until further notice 😉 


  1. https://www.adweek.com/media/brands-use-humor-to-find-their-voice-and-followers-on-threads/
  2. https://www.prdaily.com/best-companies-on-threads/